
trip to the library :Greeting and Classroom objects.

trip to the library :Greeting and Classroom objects.

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trip to the library :Greeting and Classroom objects.











Report :                      1 / Y1 A/B  2016


Title :                          Greeting and Classroom objects


Teacher:                     Mr. AhmaniYounes


Trip destination:        1- TECHNO Co. shop inBeniIzgune, Ghardaia. 2- BOUSADA Co. shop in Ghardaia Centre


Date:                           On 10thNov, 2016; and 11th Nov, 2016


Targeted competences


  Pupils will be able to greet people in English and lable some classroom objects


: Steps


 Pupils get in the shop and greet everybody there


                                  They have a quick visit on the shop corners


Teacher asks them about classroom objects they learnt; and asks them to look up there


Pupils Label and stick each object using small flashcards and scotch tape


Pupils engage in short conversation ask and answer about the objects they see


Vocabulary practised


Greeting phrases:      Peace be upon you, Hello, Good morning, Good bye


Classroom objects:    a blackbord, a chair, a book, a pen, a ruler, a table, a bag, a pencil, a desk





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