
the 7th edition of the English Language Camp year 3 P.s

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  • the 7th edition of the English Language Camp year 3 P.s
the 7th  edition of the English Language  Camp  year 3 P.s

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the 7th edition of the English Language Camp year 3 P.s





On 12th February 2016, Tawenza Scientific School organized the Seventh edition of the English Language Day Camp in one beautiful house in Ghardaia. The Camp’s theme was about parts of the house; and the slogan was “This is my house”


The purpose of this camp is to train the camper to be able to describe five parts of the house with theirobjects, and the movements he performs in each. They were presented as workshops. In this table below, you can get a full idea of all activities during the day


Workshop 1       trained by :Mr Yousfi hadj ahmed

Parts of the house : Bedroom             Objects :Bed, blanket, sheet, pillow…. verbs :Sleep, wake up, put on


Workshop 2     trained by :Miss Sara benzekri with her assistant Amina hamou abdallah 

Parts of the house : Livingroom   Objects :Sofa, table, picture, television… verbs: Sit down, stand up, watch, read, talk


Workshop 3        trained by : Mr  Mehdi BRAHIMOUAISSA

Parts of the house : Kitchen  Objects: Oven, fridge, worktop, dishes, sink….… verbs: Peel, mix, add, cook, wash, chop


Workshop 4        trained by : Miss Aicha LALLI

Parts of the house : Bathroom  Objects: Bathtub, sink, toilet, toilet roll, bin        verbs : Have, wash, dry, go, pee, flash


Workshop 5       trained by : Mr Yacine Soullah

Parts of the house : Garden     Objects: Wheelbarrow, rake, hose, watering can, seeds, plant … verbs: Plant, grow up, dig, water, cut, clean


The targeted group is Year 3 primary school pupils. And the groups are divided into five workshops; in each workshop teachers try to encourage campers to practise their English through different activities such as playing games, matching pictures with corresponding words, Labelling, word searching, drilling, cooking and finally drama acting; this diversity of activities made the campers happy and eager to learn and participate. So, a big thanks to all teachers who showed great efforts to achieve the camp aims


Tawenza shop is another area, which made our kids full of joy and happiness. They did their best to gain as much as they could coins within the workshops through participating, then they change those coins to gifts at Tawenza Shop


At last, I say thank you to my school admins and to my colleagues who did their best to teach and play with those kids and make them happy at the camp, and also, to Mr Tabbakh who opened his heart and his house to all kids. I love you all





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