
The Second Generation Curriculum

The Second Generation Curriculum

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The Second Generation Curriculum






The teacher of English language Mr Mehdi BRAHIMMOUAISSA in training of « The Second Generation Curriculum » which will be launched next academic year 2016/2017 for the 1st year middle school and also « Writing techniques »


The training was on Tuesday, April 13th, 2016 in « El Mouhamedia » Algiers. It was animated by the inspector « Nouredine Yaddaden »



The objective of the training is to explain to the teacher the new the 2nd Generation Curriculum, and its different methods, approaches, the topics that will be held in the new Curriculum.


Then, the inspector tends to give a sight and brief presentation about teaching strategies and techniques, and how to make writing a good and funny process starting from pre-writing until to the production of the paragraph






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