
PBL or Project based learning method

PBL or Project based learning method

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PBL or Project based learning method


PBL or Project based learning method is one of the modern methods of teaching in which, the students’ point of view is given importance in designing the lessons and the content of studies. This method is based on the philosophy of Pragmatism and the principle of “Learning by doing”


In this strategy pupils perform constructive activities in natural condition. A project is a list of real life that has been imparted into school. It demands work from pupils.

This was a practical experience with 2nd Secondary School trying to design up projects of conflicts and wars through history like WW 1 and WW 2, Algeria in 90s. Besides, learners treated also current topics nowadays such as Syria, Iraq and Yemen. In addition, they spoke about WW 3, North Korea and Us

Finally, the main objective learners will be able to use their in English and be familiar about peace crisis in the world. Moreover, it was an open atmosphere for learners to change the style of learning

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