
English in a lab

English in a lab

  • مشاركة المقال :

English in a lab





Class : 1st  Year Secondary School A/B

Targeted competences

-Pupils will be able to use English language by using scientific terms


 The learners have been divided into many groups. Each group has chosen a scientific of physical experiments. Then, they select all the keys words can be helpful for them in their presentation later on in front of their mates


The majority of the learners have chosen scientific experiments, but the others have brought new ideas to develop. So it was an opportunity to master English, and to discover new things

English can be taught out of texts, grammars and final “s” or “d”. The idea was to push the learners to learn English in different context in different way. In the same time, they will fulfill their curiosity.


Who knows maybe the will discover something that no one could find, the best it was in English session






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