
English in Medicine field :ophthalmology

English in Medicine field :ophthalmology

  • مشاركة المقال :

English in Medicine field :ophthalmology

Trip destination: Sugery of Doctor Nadir Doudou


Date: On 15th  December 2016


Class: 3rd  Year Secondary School B



Targeted competences


-Pupils will be able to communicate in English language, and try to recognize the medicine field




Thedoctor ophthalmologist has welcomed all the pupils in his sugery


Pupils get into the sugery and have a short visit around it, and they took a look on the equipements that are used for sugery and medicine by the doctor ophthalmologist


 The doctor ophthalmologist has explaind about the medicine, its challnges and its advantges quoting from his own life experience in the faculty of medicine and the profeesional one


 A quick visit to the examine room where there are modern and soficticated devices that are used to examine the patients


The pupils got a golden chance to meet the father of the doctor ophthalmologist who is an a docotor ophthalmologist too who explained more about the medicine


 The Pupils has a free space to ask question in order to fulfil their own curiousity





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