
Tawenza school students 2MS practicing quantifiers at supermarket

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  • Tawenza school students 2MS practicing quantifiers at supermarket
Tawenza school students 2MS practicing quantifiers at supermarket

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Tawenza school students 2MS practicing quantifiers at supermarket


teaching in class can be useful but what make children enjoy learning is practical lesson like experiments and excursions


On sunday 21 the second year middle school class with the teacher of english mr Tellai elyes

made a visit to supermarket of salah seba to practice the knowledge they got in class about shopping and quantifiers


We arrived to supermarket at 08.00 we the two classes ,i splited the students into groups and gave the them instructions.


Part 1: We started first by showing showing them different kind of foods and then ask them to order quantities of food


 Part 2: was about acting short conversation about quantifiers


At the end we thanks alot mr salah seba for giving us this opportunity and all poeple they encourage students to practice English may allah bless all


For more information, just click on the video

Big thanks to Walid Tizeggaghine




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