
English language Olympics ……….. Three Years of Achievments

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  • English language Olympics ……….. Three Years of Achievments
English language Olympics ……….. Three Years of Achievments

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English language Olympics ……….. Three Years of Achievments





ELO is new concept that can give a special learning and a special concept to learn English language in different atmosphere that push and motivate the learner to see the beauty of English away of table, chairs and boring textbook

Education 2025 was the theme of 2017. It was my first participation with students of TAWENZA Scientific School. I trained my team which was called “Alpha TSS” in the chapters of ELO. They were Project which was about a new concept of Future School, Community Service which was about serving society by a permanent service that last for long as possible and we dealt with orphans. Third, Video that gave a vision about the daily of a learner in 2025. They were amazing moments with the team, so we learnt about team working and living in group and how to achieve SUCCESS. Thanks God, Algeria has cut the 3rd Prize in ELO after Lebanon and Kuwait

Health was the theme of 2018. ELO became a challenge to entre history of the Arabic Competition. This edition was special because we have a bit experience due to the last year participation. There were 7 learners chosen Elite from Tawenza Scientific School. They have named themselves “Challengers”. Indeed, they challenged over 60 teams from different Arabic and very powerful school in the Middle East in different chapters such as Community Service, Play (theatrical performance), Project and Team work. This last has smiled to the challengers by having the Best Prize in Team working. They have showed a high work combination and harmony of team spirit

Clean Energy was theme of 2019. ELO participation became kind of a tradition because it shaped their personality and identity. “Winners TSS” as the elite have called themselves. They were determinate to draw another Victory to Algeria and to the school. The team has been trained and prepare for over two months. 27 sessions were enough to make the team ready for the competition that was a dream for some and still a dream for some who wants to be there on the stage hold the flag and honour their nation and their country. The harvest gave birth to Algeria another VICTORY. 2nd Prize in Team working again the knights have showed to the world they can work together, they can accept their differences and they can hold their hands together to build a powerful nation


Finally, English Language Olympics has a vivid soul where teenagers meet from different the Arabic countries where they can share their own experience and make new one. Build new friendships, Learning how to accept the other

I have a BIG honour to train the Algerian Teams for 3 editions. I have learnt as a coach that that our kids can make miracles but if we showed them how and trust their own competences





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