
English Language Development

English Language Development

  • مشاركة المقال :

English Language Development

Tawenza Scientific School has organized for the first time in Ghardaia a training  tilted « English Language Development»    which took place in Step Centre, Beni-Isguen in Ghardaia


It hosted many teachers and students of English from different levels of  middle school, secondary school, institutes and Tawenza has participated by its teachers of Englishwho were Mehdi Brahimouaissa, Youness Ahmani and Mohamed Hadj Brahim


The Training was on Saturday, October 15th 2016 in « Step Centre » . It was animated by two trainers  whose name are Mr Hamoud Aziz Ladjadj that is a teacher trainer in Djelfa, and Mr Mohamed Hebel who is a teacher inspector in Guerrara. They animated four workshops in The 2nd Generation Curriculum, assessments, lesson planning and teaching methods


The objective of the training is to make the teachers up in their teaching methods and techniques ! Also new ideas that can light and change the teacher way of teaching , getting out from the circle of theory to the real world of Practice, however the most important aim is professional exchanges between teachers of English

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