
ELT International Conference

ELT International Conference

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ELT International Conference

تم بعون من الله حضور المؤتمر الدولي الثالث لتعليم اللغة الإنجليزية من تنظيم المجلس الثقافي البريطاني في الجزائر عقد المؤتمر في مدينة وهران بفندق الميرديان


و الذي كان أيام 29 و 30 و الفاتح من ماي 2016 المؤتمر لهذه الطبعة كان تحت عنوان "تدريس اللغة من الجانب النظري نحو الجانب التطبيقي"


افتتح المؤتمر بـ:


*بكلمة ترحيبة من طرف سعادة السفير البريطاني لدى الجزائري السيد "اندرو نوبل كلمة ترحيبة من طرف المدير العام للمجلس الثقافي البريطاني 


* كلمة ترحيبة من مسؤول العلاقات العامة لدى وزارة التربية الوطنية ثم وبعدها تم الإعلان عن الإفتتاح الرسمي لاشغال المؤتمر من طرف المسؤولة عن المشاريع الثقافية للمجلس الثقافي البريطاني في الجزائر

تناولت أشغال المؤتمر عدة مداخلات من طرف خبراء عالمين في ميدان التربية التعليم و من ابرزهم البروفيسور جريمي هارمر .

The teachers of English language at TAWENZA SCHOOL: Mr Mehdi BRAHIMMOUAISSA and Mr Younes AHMANI are in the Second « ELT International Conference » which took place in Oran

The ELT Conference was on Firday, April 29th to Sunday 2nd May, 2016 at « Meredien Hotel » Oran that was titled " From theory to Practice"


. It was animated by many educational experts throughout the world like Jeremy Harmern ,Scott Thornbury and others who came from UK , USA, Epypt, Tunisia, Morrocco, Sudan and Spain

The objective of ELT Conference is to make the teachers up in their teaching methods and techniques ! Also new ideas that can light and change the teacher's way of teaching , getting outfrom the circle of theory to the real world of Practice, however the most important aim is expanding of networking over Algeria


The first day, Friday April 2nd 2016. The opening ceremony which was started with an opening speech by His excellency the Minister of The United Kingdom and the Great Britain and the North Ireland to Algeria. Next, a brief speech by the Director of the British council, then the speech of the Project manager of the British Council « Mrs Deirdre Nicholas ». In addition, presentations ofJermey Harmer and Scott Thornbury as keynote opening speech of the conference


The Second day, 1st May 2016, there were different workshops animated by different teacher trainers and experts such Jamie Keddie, Rachida Guelzim, and
The Third day, 2nd day, was the last day that contains plenary of JJ Wilson and the closing ceremony that was presented by the Director of the British council, and the presentation of the Director of the British council in London. Finally, the British council has provided over 20 prizes given to the the winners

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