
Teaching grammar in a creative way through short stories and games.

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  • Teaching grammar in a creative way through short stories and games.
Teaching grammar in a creative way through short stories and games.

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Teaching grammar in a creative way through short stories and games.




Date:          20th December, 2014


The last British Council AELTPN Workshop on Saturday 20th December 2014. Four workshops have been delivered under a theme «Grammar Teaching in ELT" by four British Council teacher trainers, Nora Menia, Abderrahim AitBara, Nabila Boukri and Fatima Zouhra Rouabhi. More than 110 teachers from all the educational sectors and from all over Algeria took part in the workshops. It was really joyfull moments to meet our colleages. In the following report , I shall write about Miss Fatima Zouhra Rouabhi workshop as an example


Miss Fati , the teacher trainer in British council, started her workshop stating the three parts of her presentation


?Part 1:                 Do the English ignore Grammar when they talk


a survey was done by Cambridge to some native speakers on how far do the native speakers use the right tense in their speech. The result was that more than 90% of

people ignore the use of grammar in their speech but they speak English in a correct way


Part 2:                 Grammar can be achieved through short stories


The trainer divided the participants into four groups and gave each group four short stories to read. Later, she asked them to talk about the plot and the tense in each story. Then, the trainer chose one group to come to the middle of the room and sit down in a circle and read the story with some targeted grammar questions about it. The activity aimed to show how the teacher could make grammar simple through short story


Part 3:                 Grammar can be acquired through educative games


The trainer divided participants into two groups then she gave them flashcards hazard in which you find the twelve tenses in English grammar. Then, she asked them to order the flashes on the ground basing on the timeline. The participants got 10 minutes to finish. Therefore, the groups tried to react quickly and put the flashes in order


At the end, we enjoyed a cup of tea with some cakes at 11:00 and later a nice lunch together by 13: 30, then exchanged some pictures with friends

1 تعليقات:

  1. smail hamid oudjana

    was a wonderful feeling when I was reading your report Mr. Younes about these day of English in British council.. so how I could react if I had assist .???? so please don't forget me if there is next formation like that.

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